About Us
R&D Pharma (“R&D”) is a GMP (“Good Manufacturing Practice”) approved pharmaceutical company incorporated in Monaco with a double pharmaceutical license, issued by French Drug Agency (ANSM) and with the Government of Monaco. The license allows the company to:
- Manufacture
- Market & Distribute Medicines and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (retail / wholesale)
Throughout R&D’s 21 year history, we have remained dedicated to discovering and developing new and better ways to prevent and treat disease, and improve the health and wellbeing of people around the world. The Company also has a distribution office which has been incorporated in Paris, this makes it logistically viable in order to connect with clients / customers.
Creating a medicine involves lots of scientists, working together across multiple sites, not only looking to discover new breakthrough compounds, but also coming up with innovative ways to help patients take medicines in the most effective way possible.
In fact, how we take medicines and their very design are essential parts of the process.
Our Goal
To support the development and distribution of efficacious drugs to patients, using where possible naturally derived compounds.
Our Vision
To make a difference in a patients quality of life and offer treatment options.
Core Values
Honestly, Integrity, Trust & Support.
Innovation, Knowledge. Commitment & Future.
We are committed to operating our business in a responsible manner, which works to minimise any negative impacts on the planet.
For any question concerning medical information or pharmacovigilance please click here.